Talking Art Animal Portraits That Speak
Zooinitas exhibit brings life to stories behind the art during an opening reception, July 26, 2014, 1-4pm at the Encinitas Library, 540 Cornish Dr., Encinitas, CA 92024. 17 artists talk to the animals, but one is exceptional, welcome Debra Saum.
Debra A. Saum is an internationally respected Animal Artist and Animal Intuitive who telepathically communicates with the animals she paints….while she is creating their portraits. Her award winning “Talking Art” is known for its revolutionary ability to inspire inter-species communication between the subjects in her portraits and the people who enjoy their vibrantly colorful canvases. Because her unusual portraits capture the essence of each animal, many people comment upon seeing her art “I feel like the animals are talking to me!”
Her fascinating work affords her plenty of provocative and other-worldly moments. Like the time she conversed with a lion who sat no more than a foot away, talking about his heart-rendering message to mankind while she snapped the photographs she would later use to create his beautiful portrait. Or the conversations she had while painting Lassie, a spunky, deceased mare whose insightful messages from spirit talked about her charmed life in a well known Animal Sanctuary in upstate New York. Lassie’s portrait hangs today in the Great Hall at Spring Farm Cares Sanctuary where she continues to conduct telepathic sessions with the students who go there to learn about Animal Communication. Or the moment when Alana, a beautiful Arabian filly, announced she was “smelling the emotions” when asked why horses like to investigate the manure of their herd members. Alana’s matter of fact sixth-sense observations confirmed the higher consciousness that all animals possess.
Having painted hundreds of famous animals, horses, endangered wildlife, and the beloved pets of caring humans, Debra’s 30+ years of experience has taught her that inter-species communication changes the way people think about not only the animals in their life, but about themselves and their relationship to the universe. In her popular Equine communication Clinics and Animal Intuition Workshops, participants learn that telepathic interaction is a natural and powerful way to connect with all life. During her numerous television and radio appearances, viewers and listeners enjoy the sometimes humorous, but always poignant messages which animals have for their humans. And for those people who commission Debra to paint their beloved animal companions, one of their favorite moments is when Debra shares the lively conversations that transpired between her and her subject during the portraits’ creation.
Debra has written countless articles and books about her work. To learn more, visit
The afternoon will provide support for the Rancho Coastal Humane Society (RCHS), animal Safehouse Program, a safety net for the pets of domestic violence victims. Safehouse is also a lifeline for veterans, senior citizens, accident victims, and…most recently…victims of the fires.
The event has something for all ages and explores new techniques and celebrated self-expression by exceptionally talented artists. The original artworks truly represent the animal world in a natural environment and will be available for sale. Free to the public; enjoy music by Second Cousin, and refreshments as you take a tour into the virtual art studios of three artists, Joan Hansen, Gary Johnson and Linda Luisi who will be creating art, just in time for the silent auction. “Instead of spending thousands of dollars to travel to exotic places to see wildlife, Zoonitas will bring images of these unique animals to you”,
You can show your support by dropping a small toy into the “Toys for Pups” drop box out front, the day of the reception, browse an array of auction items and show your support by learning about the RCHS programs.
What image does “stalk” inspire in your mind as you start your tour and explore. Enjoy the tour-guiding artists who proudly represent the animals on the planet, and are looking forwarding to sharing their experiences of painting each piece. Artists: Adele Richert, Bobbi Harrington, Brian Batemen, Bruce Stewart, Cheryl Ehlers, Debra Saum, Francine Filsinger, Gary Johnson, Gwenn Beope, Joan Hansen, Krista Timberlake, Linda Luisi, Mo McGee, Stephen Frank Gary, Terry Oshrin, Thomas Thomas and Tish Wynne,
The Zooinitas exhibit runs through August 24 at the Encinitas Library Art Gallery, open 7 days a week, Mon-Sat, 10am – 5pm, Sun – 12-5pm. For more information about Zoonitas call 760-519-1551 (tel:760-519-1551 ) or log on to
Her fascinating work affords her plenty of provocative and other-worldly moments. Like the time she conversed with a lion who sat no more than a foot away, talking about his heart-rendering message to mankind while she snapped the photographs she would later use to create his beautiful portrait. Or the conversations she had while painting Lassie, a spunky, deceased mare whose insightful messages from spirit talked about her charmed life in a well known Animal Sanctuary in upstate New York. Lassie’s portrait hangs today in the Great Hall at Spring Farm Cares Sanctuary where she continues to conduct telepathic sessions with the students who go there to learn about Animal Communication. Or the moment when Alana, a beautiful Arabian filly, announced she was “smelling the emotions” when asked why horses like to investigate the manure of their herd members. Alana’s matter of fact sixth-sense observations confirmed the higher consciousness that all animals possess.
Having painted hundreds of famous animals, horses, endangered wildlife, and the beloved pets of caring humans, Debra’s 30+ years of experience has taught her that inter-species communication changes the way people think about not only the animals in their life, but about themselves and their relationship to the universe. In her popular Equine communication Clinics and Animal Intuition Workshops, participants learn that telepathic interaction is a natural and powerful way to connect with all life. During her numerous television and radio appearances, viewers and listeners enjoy the sometimes humorous, but always poignant messages which animals have for their humans. And for those people who commission Debra to paint their beloved animal companions, one of their favorite moments is when Debra shares the lively conversations that transpired between her and her subject during the portraits’ creation.
Debra has written countless articles and books about her work. To learn more, visit
The afternoon will provide support for the Rancho Coastal Humane Society (RCHS), animal Safehouse Program, a safety net for the pets of domestic violence victims. Safehouse is also a lifeline for veterans, senior citizens, accident victims, and…most recently…victims of the fires.
The event has something for all ages and explores new techniques and celebrated self-expression by exceptionally talented artists. The original artworks truly represent the animal world in a natural environment and will be available for sale. Free to the public; enjoy music by Second Cousin, and refreshments as you take a tour into the virtual art studios of three artists, Joan Hansen, Gary Johnson and Linda Luisi who will be creating art, just in time for the silent auction. “Instead of spending thousands of dollars to travel to exotic places to see wildlife, Zoonitas will bring images of these unique animals to you”,
You can show your support by dropping a small toy into the “Toys for Pups” drop box out front, the day of the reception, browse an array of auction items and show your support by learning about the RCHS programs.
What image does “stalk” inspire in your mind as you start your tour and explore. Enjoy the tour-guiding artists who proudly represent the animals on the planet, and are looking forwarding to sharing their experiences of painting each piece. Artists: Adele Richert, Bobbi Harrington, Brian Batemen, Bruce Stewart, Cheryl Ehlers, Debra Saum, Francine Filsinger, Gary Johnson, Gwenn Beope, Joan Hansen, Krista Timberlake, Linda Luisi, Mo McGee, Stephen Frank Gary, Terry Oshrin, Thomas Thomas and Tish Wynne,
The Zooinitas exhibit runs through August 24 at the Encinitas Library Art Gallery, open 7 days a week, Mon-Sat, 10am – 5pm, Sun – 12-5pm. For more information about Zoonitas call 760-519-1551 (tel:760-519-
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