Welcoming Linda Luisi, to the ZOOINITAS Exhibition; an amazing muralist and instructor, her paintings walk you right into the scene as you become a part of her vision.
Join us on July 26th for an Opening reception and meet the artists. Visit .zooinitas.zohosites.com for more information.
Linda Luisi is an experienced trompe l'oeil muralist known for depth and dimension. She shares her skills with enthusiasm for novices and those with all levels of experience.
Bring: pencils (#2 HB soft pencils, or soft art pencils as #4B), kneaded eraser (or any eraser), ruler, and sketch pad (9x12" or larger) or plenty of plain paper. If you wish, you may also bring a color media of your choice: colored pencils, pastels, and appropriate papers for that media.
Four weeks: $70 nonresidents. Carlsbad residents: 10% discount. (Six week classes: $100 nonresidents). Register: Carlsbad Senior Center: (760) 602-4650) If you have any questions please contact Linda at the number above.
Linda is currently providing art instruction at many levels. Here is one of her classes. (many more available, check online)
Drawing And Color: Pencil, Color Pencil, Pastel - For new and returning students. at the Carlsbad Senior Center on 799 Pine Ave.(not limited to seniors). Register 4 weeks at a time for ongoing lessons:
9:45-11:45 AM Four Tuesdays , Classes start Apr. 15; May 13.
Start dates for summer: July 1; July 28; Aug. 26.
Learn right brain drawing, shading for depth and dimension, and color harmony for richness. Improve your observation skills with line, color and composition for your art to be aesthetic and accurate. This also helps painters to draw their subject properly (abstractly or realistically). Learn several approaches to see what works best for you. There will be demonstrations and you will receive individual attention.
9:45-11:45 AM Four Tuesdays , Classes start Apr. 15; May 13.
Start dates for summer: July 1; July 28; Aug. 26.
Learn right brain drawing, shading for depth and dimension, and color harmony for richness. Improve your observation skills with line, color and composition for your art to be aesthetic and accurate. This also helps painters to draw their subject properly (abstractly or realistically). Learn several approaches to see what works best for you. There will be demonstrations and you will receive individual attention.
Linda Luisi is an experienced trompe l'oeil muralist known for depth and dimension. She shares her skills with enthusiasm for novices and those with all levels of experience.
Bring: pencils (#2 HB soft pencils, or soft art pencils as #4B), kneaded eraser (or any eraser), ruler, and sketch pad (9x12" or larger) or plenty of plain paper. If you wish, you may also bring a color media of your choice: colored pencils, pastels, and appropriate papers for that media.
Four weeks: $70 nonresidents. Carlsbad residents: 10% discount. (Six week classes: $100 nonresidents). Register: Carlsbad Senior Center: (760) 602-4650) If you have any questions please contact Linda at the number above.